Performance Measurement and Analysis of Addis Ababa City Taxi Fleet Network. Case Site: Megenagna Fleet Zone

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Addis Ababa University


Analysis of public transport sector service level is an important procedure in creating a model capital which is experienced with a higher mobility rate and rapid urbanization. As Addis Ababa is a hub for many international organization and is also considered as African capital in addition being a diplomatic center, the level of its service industry plays an important role in transforming the capital to its intended destination. In this study a thorough analysis of the performance of the taxi fleet network has been made at megenagna fleet zone(considered as sample representative zone) the performance of the sector was measured in three distinctive indicator modes, namely financial, quantitative and practical indicators. Result obtained was compared to acceptable standards regionally acceptable and internationally considered and have been found average. In addition a representative model was formulated to optimize the current trip allocation. Three constraint were considered for this study loading capacity, route distance and trip frequencies and using those constraints an LGP model was formulated and solved using QM for windows V5 2015 in linear optimization mode. The nature of the arrival rate of customers and the waiting line created at depots differ in the normal hour and peak hour a distinctive equation was formulated for the two time frames. After optimization the results showed there is a room for modification on trip allocation which will improve both the quality of the service sector and provide an even and balanced demand based allocation.



performance analysis, linear goal programing, trip allocation
