The Assessment of the Practices and Prospects of Alternative Basic Education in Horo-Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Region
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The purpose of this study was to asses the practices, challenges and prospects of
ABE progam in Horo Guduru Wolloga Zone. The method employed in the study
was descriptive survey. Review of available literature on ABE program and
relevant data were gathered from 4 educational officials, 5 cluster supervisors, 6
ABE centers, 30 ABE center facilitators, 24 ABE students, and 25 CMC members.
Respondents were selected by purposive, availability and simple random
sampling techniques.
Data collection tools were questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion and
observation. Data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed using statistical
tools like frequency and percentage. The data from interview, focus group
discussion and observation was analyzed qualitatively.
The findings from data analysis showed that the program is challenged by m
any constraints: center facilities, unavailability of learning materials, low
perception of the program by the community and low attention to the program in
providing supervision and support, assignment of untrained facilitators, low
commitment of the facilitators and their instructional performance. These
problems undermined the quality of education. Thus, the government and other
concerned bodies should address these problems jointly. Hence, the researcher
forwarded recommendations based on the findings. So that in addition to making
schools accessible to the needy children there should be need of fulfilling the
required educational input (well trained facilitators, adequate instructional
materials etc), center facilities, paying incentives for bodies who work on the
issue of the ABE program providing regular supervision and support to the
centers and working towards, community awareness creation.
Basic Education