Assessment of the Practice, Problems and Prospects of Affirmative Action in Enhancing Girl's Education: The Case of Debre Brehan University

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Addis Ababa University


The main pwposes of this st/ldy were to assess the practice, ch,dlenges 0' and prospeCls of affirmative aclion program to enhance the girls' education in Debre Brehan University. The method employed in the study was descriptive survey supplemented by qualitative. The participants of the study were 102 instructors, 257 fem~le studenls, 1 university official, 1 dean of students and 1 gender office expert of Debre Brehan University. Respondents were selected by stratified sampling, simple random and purposive sampling technique. As a method of data gathering tools, questionnaire and interview were employed. Data obtainedfrom questionnaire was analyzed using statistical 1001 like frequency, percentage and chi- square test of independence. The data obtained from open ended were also analyzed using themes and frequency. The interview data is used to supplement results of quantitative data. The results of the study revealed that the university did not have affirmative action policy frame work that guide and protect female students but, the practice of affirmative action program to enhance girls education is encouraging, nevertheless it need improvement specially in changing attitude of male students, female themselves and university society as a whole, because, majority of challenges comes from university leader, male students, female students, and university society. To overcome those challenges and problem the study participants suggest for improvement of the program. There is no significant difference in perception toward the practice of affirmative action and instructors and f e,male as students attitude toward affirmative action at (P>O. 05). And few of the practice of affirmative action found to be significant among different level of experience and faculty of teacher, year of sludy and faculty of students. Based on the research finding the following recommendation has been forwarded. Such as increasingfemale instructors with higher qualification, creating awareness among school community, providing constant tutorial class and other support such as orientation and guidance and counseling service among all batches and faculties equally, orienting first year students on department choice and reserve department place for female student in all faculties etc .... were suggested.



Affirmative Action in Enhancing Girl's Education
