The Impact of National Learning Assessment Recommendations on the Ethiopian Education and Training Policy Implementation

dc.contributor.advisorWoldegerima, Hailesilassie (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorZeryhun, Tamiru
dc.description.abstractWhile education enrolment increases are importanl, Iheyare not sufficient. As a result, within the Ethiopian Education Sector Development Programs (If & If I) attention has been paid to the quality of education necessary to ensure that students that graduate fi'om the first and second cycle of primwy school leave with the requisite skills to be a contribuling citizen and be prepared for secondary school. In augmenting this effort for quality education, therefore, National Learning Assessments have been begun by the Ministry of Education since 2000. Hence, this study focuses on the aim that encourages and supports the effort being exhibited in National Learning Assessment, in particular, and in the education and training quality assurance, in general. The study mainly employed qualitative approach of data collection - individual interviews and document analysis. A quantitative description using data out of a piloted questionnaire was also used. As an evaluative survey study, it was a non-sampled research with a subsequent nature of retrospeclion. The data analysis, by and large, was a qualitative advancing using explanation, descriplion, comparisons and contrasts and a triangulation exercise with the use of the data from the three data collection tools. It was found that there was a clear perception of a significant impacl of the NLA recommendations on the Ethiopian Education and Training Policy implementation. While the NLA recommendations so far forwarded were practically utilizable and well attended by the policymakers and decision makers in the sector, it was revealed that there is a significant problem in the dissemination of the summary reports of the National Learning Assessments to everyone in need. Thus, the implications of this study are supposed to be the vitality of the development and realization of a national policy framework on learning assessment, the introduction of census-based assessmenl, fluency in the dissemination of the NLA reporls to all interested and the country's need to participate in regional/international assessments for better benchmarking of best practices.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectNational Learning Assessmenten_US
dc.subjectRecommendations on the Ethiopian Educationen_US
dc.titleThe Impact of National Learning Assessment Recommendations on the Ethiopian Education and Training Policy Implementationen_US


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