Inclusive Education for Children with Hearing Impairment (The practice of Mekanissa School for the Deaf)
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Addis Ababa University
The study attempted to assess and evaluate the perceptions of students with
hearing impairment, teachers and parents of the student about the practices
of inclusive education to the children with hearing impairment at Mekanissa
School for the Deaf. Both qualitative description and quantitative analyses
were employed to investigate and explore the practices of inclusive
education. The data was collected through questionnaire, interview and
observation . The findings of this study showed that the practice of inclusive
education for the students with hearing impairment that students, teachers
and parents were satisfied. However, as it was revealed in the study parents'
do not give full support to their child's education, and also students do not
attend in classes regularly. The findings also showed that textbooks have not
been adapted to address the needs of the students, students' misbehavior,
tardiness and students ' apathy were related to teachers dissatisfaction.
Hence, inaccessibility of sign language, lack of support from school
administration regarding support-teaching materials (text books and hearing
aids) Services for the student with hearing impairment. As the result of these
factors or problems is essential to improve the situation in inclusive
education and strength the educational delivery to students with hearing
impairment as a whole.
children with hearing impairment