A Comparative Study of Televised and Non - Televised Vocabulary Teaching: The Case of Grade Ten in Focus

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of this study was to examine the Educational Satellite Television (EDSTV) vocabulary teaching as compared to the NONEDSTV one. In order to conduct the study, two sample high schools (Jiren and Setto Secondary Schools that are found in Jimma town) were selected which fit the purpose of the research - to compare differing modes of vocabulary instruction. Thus, two groups were involved - a Study Group (that employs the EDSTV programme) and a Comparison Group (that attends the NONEDSTV programme). The main instruments used to collect data for the study were classroom observation, questionnaire and a vocabulary retention test. Direct classroom observation was conducted with the help of a checklist to gather first hand information, i.e. to investigate what the teaching/learning process looks like in the actual setting. In addition to this, questionnaire was administered to English teachers of both schools to investigate the long-term practice that the EDSTV programme and the classroom teachers make use of in vocabulary teaching. Ten teachers participated from the schools in the study. After completing the observation, a total of 210 students from both groups were randomly selected and they were given a vocabulary test. The test, which comprises 50 items, was a vocabulary retention test and all the target words were taken from Units 2 and 3 (English for Ethiopia, student text for grade ten). The test aimed at investigating whether or not the introduction of the EDSTV instruction brought about a significant difference in the vocabulary retention of the students more than did the non-televised programme. The responses of the teachers and the results of the observation were analyzed side by side simultaneously in tables using figures and percentages. Besides, the mean and standard deviation of the test scores were computed and analyzed. In addition to this, an independent samples test was administered to see if there was a significant difference between the two groups.The outcomes of the analysis revealed that the vocabulary teaching techniques of the EDSTV programme employed were by far more effective as compared to those employed by the NONEDSTV one. Especially, the visual aid supplement, the fluency in giving brief definitions of the target words and the revision procedures were effective. Nevertheless, the way vocabulary items are designed, practiced and recycled was unsatisfactory in both programmes. On the other hand, even if it was below average, the study indicated that the EDSTV students scored a significantly better result than the NONEDSTV students in the vocabulary retention test administered to both groups.



Comparative Study, Televised and Non - Televised
