The Relationship between Perceived Leadership Styles and the Choice of Conflict Resolution Strategies: The Case of Finchaa Sugar Factory

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Addis Ababa University


This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship among p erceived leaders ' leaders hip s tyles and the choice of conflict res olution s trategies to s olve different organizational conflicts . Leaders background variables (sex:, age, educational s tatus , and job levels ) were also considered to see its relations hip with leaders pref erred conflict resolution strategies . In addition, investigating whether difference in perception of leaders' leadership styles exist between leaders and subordinates was another objective of this s tudy. For this s tudy purpose data were generated from a self report questionnaire administered to 469 randomly s elected samples out of 7524 Finchaa Sugar Factory workers. Of the 469 participants, 142 of them we re leaders and 327 of them w ere s ubordinates. The obtained data were analyzed us ing both dep endent and indep endent t-tests, bivariate correlational analys is, one way ANOVA, and Tukeyl Kramer post hoc comparison. Results obtained in (itis s tudy indicated that there is s ignificant perception difference between subordinates and leaders in their perception of leaders ' leaders hip s tyles. Of the eight leadership styles cons idered in this s tudy three of them were found to be s ignificantly related to three of the five conflict resolution s trategies. Among the leaders ' background variables, age and educational s tatus was found to be s ignificantly related to a voidance and collaboration conflict resolution s trategies resp ectively. This study also f ound out tha t leaders at different organizational levels (lower, middle, and higher) s ignificantly differ from one another in applying domination and accommodation conflict resolution s trategies.



Relationship between Perceived Leadership Styles, Styles and the Choice of Conflict Resolution Strategies
