Landslide Hazard Zonation and Slope Instability Assessment by Using Optical and Insar Remote Sensing: the Case of Arbaminch-Gidole Road, Southern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


In the present study landslide hazard zonation and slope instability assessment were carried out in and around Gidole Town in Southern Ethiopia. The main objective of the study was to map landslide hazard zone using Information Value Bivariat statistical model and assess the slope instability using InSAR approach. For landslide hazard zonation of the study area six causative factors namely; aspect, slope angle, elevation, slope material, Normalized Deference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and land-use and land-cover were considered. The landslide inventory mapping for the present study area was carried out through field observations and Google Earth image interpretation. Later, Information value was calculated based on the influence of causative factors on past landslide. The distribution of landslide over each causative factor maps was obtained and analyzed. Weights for the class with in these causative factor maps was obtained using information value model. Distribution of landslide in the study area was largely governed by aspect of southwest facing, slope angel of 30-45o, elevation of 1815–2150m, NDVI of 0.27−0.37, slope material of colluvial deposit and land-use and land-cover of agricultural land. The landslide hazard zonation map shows that 78.38km2 (36.3%) area fall within very low hazard (VLH) zone, 72.85km2 (34.2%) of the area fall within low hazard (LH) zone, 12.78 km2 (6.6%), 32.72 km2 (15.4%) and 15.89 km2 (7.5%) of the area falls into very high hazard (VHH), high hazard (HH) and moderate hazard (MH), respectively. Further, validation of LHZ map with past landslide inventory data shows that 92.3% of the existing landslides fall in very high hazard (VHH) and high hazard (VHH) zone. Thus, it can safely be concluded that the hazard zones delineated in the present study validates with the past landslide data and the potential zone depicted can reasonably be applied for the safe planning of the area. Further, the landslide activities in the study area were studied using Persistent Scatterer -Interferometry synthetic Aperture method. For the analysis radar image was acquired by the Sentinel Satellite for the period 2014−2018. The result of PS-InSAR processing indicates the average displacement located in the study area has gradually increasing starting from 15.3mm/yr. to -19.2 mm/yr. The result of the study area represented in terms of vertical displacement from the satellite Line of sight. Negative displacement indicates that the land surface is moving away from the satellite line of sight and the positive sign indicate the area is moving towards line of sight.



Landslide, Gidole, Landslide Hazard Zone, PS-Insar, Persistent Scattered
