Religiosity, Goal Orientation, and Learner Autonomy as Correlates of Students' Academic Performance of Preparatory School Students in South Wollo
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Addis Ababa University
This paper examines the relationships among religiosity, goal orientation, learner autonomy, and
academic achievement of preparatory school students. In light of this intention, three
preparatory schools in South Wollo were selected. Data were gathered using Religiosity
cale (RR), Goal Orientation Scale (GO), and Learner Autonomy Scale (LA) from 116
students in the selected schools. Achievement scores (AA) were secured from record
offices of each school. Inter-correlation matrix, partial correlations, multiple regression
analyses, and stepwise regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Correlation
revealed that there were relationships between AA and RR, GO, and LA. Results of
partial correlations indicated that AA was positively and significantly related to Go, RR,
and LA after the combined contribution of other variables partial out. Results of partial
correlations among RR, GO, LA indicated that GO was positively and significantly
related to LA but not significant with RR. The relationship between LA and RR was not
Significant. Multiple regression analysis showed that RR, GO, and LA contributed
significant contribution to AA of the students accounting for 22.6% of the overall
variance of students ' AA. The stepwise regression analysis has arranged RR, GO, LA in
terms of their contribution to the regression and was found that LA, GO, and RR
contributed 0.162, 0.039, and 0.025 respectively to the multiple co-effiCient of
determination (R2 =0.226). Based on the implication of these findings to the educational
and instructional practices, the researcher recommends that non-cognitive variables
need to be given due attention to increase students academic performance.
academic achievement of preparatory school students