Assessment of the Management of Result-Oriented Performance Appraisal System in Oromia Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


The purposes of this study were to assess the management of Resu lt Ori ented Performance Appraisal in Oromia Regional State and to forward suggestions for its improvement. Management and subordinates were the two categories of the study groups. There are 699 staffs, out of which 23 1 respondents (50 management 18 1 subordi nates) were selected on the basis of pu rposive and random techniques. Questionnaire and in terview were used as data co llection instruments. Moreover, the data obta ined were analyzed by employing statistical tool s such as: percentage, mean, variance, spearman's rank order correlation coeffic ient, t-test and chi-sq uare. FCSC's and OCSC's guidelines (1997) were documents up on which the study was based. The resu lt of the study indicated that, individual /performance/ objectives were loosely related to organizational strategic objectives. On the other hand, performance objectives were derived from organ izational annual plan, as well as appraisers and appraisees agreed on the obj ectives. With regard to management's capacity, the findings revealed that, due to inadequate training on ROPA techniques, most managers lack the required sk ills to design and implement the system. Concerni ng the expected benefits of ROPA, the fin dings of the study indicated that, promotion to hi gher position, sa lary increment, rewarding the best performer, identifying training need and opp0l1unities were expected as the res ult of implementing ROPA. But none of these were practical. With regard to criteria and standards, the study showed that, both cr iteria and standards were estab li shed . Besides, performance was assessed on the basis of pre-establi shed sta ndards. However, there was drawback in developing Specific, realisti c, resu lt based criteri a and standards. Furthermore, incompetence of management (appraisers) to develop objective standards and measures, emphasis only on results, lack of clarity of purposes, lack of commitment of top management, resista nce from employees and absence of system of accountability were among the serious problems identified by the study. Final ly, integrati ng individ ual objectives with organi zat ional strategic objectives, building capacity of management body and employees through training, and continuous communication, encouraging involvement of employees in ROPA plan, estab lishing and im plementing monitoring and feedback system were suggested. Furthermore, providing performance based rewards, designing and implementin g specific and relevant criter ia and standa rds as well as deve loping a system of accountabi lity are indispensable for the sustai nab ility of ROPA system in the region.



Management of Result oriented Performance Appraisal System
