Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Ethiopia: The Case of Selected Budgetary Public Sectors
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Addis Ababa University
Internal audit effectiveness has received limited attention in the literature especially in the
context of developing countries such as Ethiopia. Among these limited literatures little
researches focused on public sectors. However, some of them done in a single company and the
others are a mix of Public Enterprise, Share Company and Private Company. Due to this, as to
the researcher’s understanding getting a complete clear picture on determinants of IA
effectiveness related with budgetary public sectors was impossible. Therefore, the overall
objective of this study was to identify determinants of internal audit effectiveness in Ethiopian
budgetary public sectors which are located in Addis Ababa. The study used purposive sampling
method and cover selected budgetary public sectors. The researcher used mixed research
method by employing quantitative and qualitative research method. The quantitative research
method used 85 usable self-administered questionnaires. These questionnaires were adapted and
constructed in 5-point Likert scale and distributed to selected budgetary public sectors Internal
Auditors and analyzed using Stata statistical software. The qualitative research method used
document review in selected budgetary public sectors. According to the result of the study
internal audit work quality & management supports have statistically significant positive
relation with the effectiveness of internal audit. Independence of internal audit & competence of
internal audit team have statistically insignificant relation with the effectiveness of internal
A thesis submitted to the Department of
Accounting and Finance, College of Business and
Economics, Addis Ababa University, in partial
fulfillment of the requirement of Master of
Science (Msc) in Accounting and Finance
Ethiopian budgetary public sectors, Internal Audit, Internal Audit Effectiveness