Mobile Based Voluntary Counseling and Testing Data Collection System
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Addis Ababa University
Access to up-to-date health data plays a crucial role for the improvement of health service
delivery. In Ethiopia, one of the sub-Saharan countries highly affected with HIV/AIDS, there are
a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations providing health service related
to HIV/AIDS. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is one of such services. Monthly reports
on VCT are collected from all over the nation using paper forms. This paper forms have to pass
through various administrative hierarchies and are recompiled at each level. Due to these the
reports are delayed and up-to-date data on VCT is not available.
VctCollect is a mobile VCT data collection system developed to avoid the delays involved in
collecting VCT data. The system allows health workers at VCT centers to fill forms for each
VCT client using android mobile phones and send the filled data to a central VCT resource
center. The mobile application of the system has a bilingual user interface, Amharic and English,
which makes it easier to use. The data is sent from the mobile phone through the GPRS mobile
internet network. The server side web application of the system allows users to have access to
the latest data collected from VCT centers. Users can have access to up-to-date VCT data all
over the nation in various formats. The system was developed using the open source Open Data
Kit as an underlying framework.
Mobile Vct, Vct Data Collection, Hiv Data Collection, Vctcollect, Mobile Health Data Collection