Perception and Practice of Teachers in Continuous Professional Development in Five Sub-Cities of Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The purpose of this study was to explore primary school teachers) perceptions
and practices of continuous professional development in primary schools of five
sub cities in Addis Ababa) in which teachers and CPD coordinators were
participated. The study was focused on teachers) perceptions of CPD activities as
well as their perceptions about its implementation. In order to accomplish this
purpose) the following research questions were generated: what is the effect of
CPD implementation on the practice of teaching) what is the effect of CPD
implementation on teachers professional development need) what opportunities
did CPD created in schools & what factors affect CPD implementation. This study
tooks a multi-methods approac~ i. e. quantitative and qualitative researc~ in
which the data were collected through a questionnaire for teachers and focus
group discussion with school CPD coordinators. It was concluded in the study
that most respondents were appreciated opportunities for CPD and valued the
benefits of CPD for teachers and for schools as a whole. In addition) with a
higher percentage) it was showed that CPD is a means of career development.
The results and information provided here would be valuable for anyone who is
interested in) as well as for those who are responsible for an improvement and
implementation of CPD.