Teacher-Principal Conflicts in Selected Government Secondary Schools of North Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State
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This paper is discussed and explore about the teacher-principal conflict in selected
government secondary schools of North Shoa Zone in Oromia Region states.
The purpose of this study to assesses the common sources of conflict, types of conflict,
strategies used to minimize conflict .
Methods- In order to achieve the objective, the researcher use the descriptive survey research
design. Both quantitative and qualitative approach was used to collect the data
Sources of data for this research was collected from both primary and secondary sources.
The primary sources of data were gathered from secondary school leaders ,Teachers, student
council PTA and KETB.The secondary sources data were recorded documents, feedbacks and
Sampling Procedures and techniques -The teachers were selected using stratified random
sampling whereas school leaders were selected using available sampling technique .On the
other hand, the schools in North Shoa were also selected using simple random sampling.
Instrument of data collection-The data from each respondent was collected using
questionnaire. and interview. Both open and close ended questionnaires were prepared.
Quantitative data collected through questionnaire .
Techniques of analysis data –data analyzed using statical tools, t-test, mean scores,
standard deviation, p-value using spss version 20.T
The main finding come out from this study- were communication barriers, uncomfortable
working environment, lack of participatory decision, lack of clarity of authority structure
difference in perception task interdependent working activities, dignity, security and equity are
found to be the major source of conflict
The most common types of conflict exist in schools- were interpersonal and intergroup
conflict, collaborative compromising approach and problem solving were the strategies to
minimize conflict in the schools.
Based on the finding the following conclusion was drawn. These, there is no healthy
communication, network, less participatory decisions on the school finance and resources
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allocations, inadequate facilities in the schools, undefined role and authority structures there
were no magnified open discussion, description of role and responsibilities regular meeting
between teachers and school leaders in the schools to manage conflict. inappropriate use of
collaborative and Compromising approach strategies for handling conflicts and poor
accountability on the use of school finance and resource allocation by the school principals
from the finding it is possible to conclude that conflict has more negative influence on schools
rather than positive one.