Factors affecting the academic performance of female students in physics in Awl Zone preparatory schools

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The aim of this study was to examine fac tors affecting .the acodemic performance of female " ' students in physics in Awi zone preparatory schools, From five prepara tory schools in the zone th ree were selected using sim ple random sampling method. To meet the purpose of the study quantitative and qualitative designs were employed. Natu ral science stream female students, physics department heads and school principals have been used as sources of data. Questionnaire, interview and documen ts were used to .gother data. Th ree heads and three principals were interviewed. Questionnaire was filled by a total of 223 fema le students. The findings indicote that; the main factors affecting their performance were prablems related to home like, lack of parental financial and moral support, parents' law occupational status, making female students family responsibility. The prablems related to school such as, stream choice, teachers' attitude and perception, and 'the availability of laboratory services. And problems related to self also incfude perception of physics as being tao difficu lt, lack of interest to learn physics. To alleviate these problems some recommendations were forwarded as: - parents should support femole students finoncially and morally, male family members should share domestic chores, schools should give guidance and counseling so as to bring to science, teachers should aware of female students problem and give a tutorial ciass, the institution also communicote the concerned bodies to fUlfill laboratory services, female students should perceive the subject physics is simple as other subjects which are considered easy for them and develop on interes t to physics.



