Result Oriented Teacher’s Performance Appraisal System in Joint Military Staff College
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to examine perception of instructors,implementation,
monitoring and evaluation system and challenges encountered in the implementation of
ROTPA in the Ministry of National Defense/Education and Training Main Department/
College of Joint Military Staff College towards the Result oriented performance appraisal
system. This was with intent to find out the overall implementation, weakness and strength of
the ROTPA system and recommend possible ways of alleviating the problems. To this end,
basic questions addressing the issues related to ROTPA such as purposes and criteria of
ROTPA, performance appraisal feedback, competence and objectivity of appraisal and the
process and problems (errors) of performance appraisal were all raised. The study employed
descriptive survey method. To address the research questions raised, the investigator
reviewed the relevant literature, prepared a questionnaire for teachers, and interview guides
on the basis of the reviewed literature to collect data from the subjects at JMSC. The
questionaries’ was checked by the advisor. After having been evaluated and checked by the
thesis advisor, Based on comments secured, necessary corrections and modifications were
made before distribution. Concerning the subjects of the study, 40 teachers of the college, 12
department heads, 45 students and 2 deans of the college were included. Among the findings,
the major ones include: Teachers did not participate in the formulation of ROTPA criteria;
those who were engaged in appraising teachers had no adequate training regarding ROTPA;
the process of ROTPA involves establishment of objectives; development of action plans;
evaluation of performance; and provision of feedback; which is the joint activity of the
appraiser and the appraisees. However, this process was not properly followed by the college
and teachers were force to prepare action plans from the objectives already established by
the upper bodies of the colleges; The performance appraisal feedback system was perceived
to be characterized by criticism, lack of rewards, and delay to give feedback to teachers;
There were no adequate pre and post appraisal discussions between teachers and appraisers.
The following are some of the recommendation The college need to leave the criteria open to
teachers for discussion before implementing them, or let teachers and other members of the
college formulate the criteria and get the approval of the colleges’ upper body. The colleges’
deans, in collaboration with their respective college and with the ETMD higher institution
coordination office, need to arrange training programs for appraisers. In addition, the ETMD
need to assign graduates of management and education or at least those who have knowledge
and skills of ROTPA to run the institutions.
Result Oriented Teacher’s, Performance Appraisal System