Energy E cient Virtual Machine Placement Algorithms in OpenStack Neat
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Cloud computing provides a computing capability through the Internet. It enables organizations
or individuals to have a computing power without deploying and maintaining
their own Information Technology (IT) infrastructure. As a cloud is realized on a vast
scale data-center, it consumes an enormous amount of energy. Several research have
been conducted on consolidating Virtual Machines (VMs), logical computing machines
that are hosted in servers, to minimize energy consumption. Among the proposed solutions
OpenStack Neat is notable for its practicality. OpenStack Neat is an open-source
VM consolidation framework that can seamlessly integrate to OpenStack, one of the most
common and widely used open-source cloud management tool. The framework has components
for deciding when to migrate VMs and selecting suitable hosts for the VMs (VM
placement). The VM placement algorithm of OpenStack Neat is called Modi ed BestFit
Decreasing (MBFD). MBFD is based on a heuristic that handles only minimizing
the number of servers. The heuristic is not only less energy e cient but also increases
Service Level Agreement (SLA) violation and consequently cause more VM migrations.
To improve the energy e ciency, we propose VM placement algorithms based on both
bin-packing heuristics and servers' power e ciency. In addition, we introduce a new binpacking
heuristic called a Medium-Fit (MF) to reduce SLA violation and VM migrations.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms we have conducted experiments
using CloudSim on three cloud data-center scenarios: homogeneous, heterogeneous and
default. The workloads that run in the data-center scenarios are generated from traces
of PlanetLab and Bitbrains clouds. The results of the experiment show up-to 67% improvement
in energy consumption and up-to 78% and 46% reduction in SLA violation
and amount of VM migrations, respectively. Moreover, all improvements are statistically
signi cant with signi cance level of 0.01.
virtual machine consolidation, virtual machine placement, bin packing, OpenStack, OpenStack Neat