Perception of Leadership in Effectiveness of School Improvement Program: The Case of Selected High Schools in Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the experience of principals in government
secondary schools in Gulele Subcity of Addis Ababa ,Ethiopia, namely:
Medhanialem Preparatory School, Ditber Secondary School and Meeraf Secondary
School. The study deals with examining the actual experience and problems of
principals in government schools. The review of literature focused on leadership in
education within this concept, functions of leadership, effectiveness of school
leaders, elements of effective leadership and school improvement initiatives. The
research methodology employed in the study was both quantitative and qualitative
approaches. Accordingly, a questionnaire was prepared to be filled by teachers, vice
principals and department heads. For the qualitative portion, interviews and
observation were administered. Regarding the questionnaires, distributed to sample
sizeĀ· of 222 teachers, 31 vice principals and department heads. 256 out of the 270
distributed questionnaires were returned, producing an overall 94% return rate. After
data were screened, three survey questions were eliminated, due to missing
responses. Data obtained through questionnaires were analysed using statistical
tools such as mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and t-test. The findings of the
study revealed that principals are less effective in their leadership due to lack of
experience and qualification in the profession. Finally, based on the findings and
conclusions, recommendations were made on capacity building and empowering of
principals to do their work effectively on instructional leadership, in turn, encouraging
participatory approach of leadership. Furthermore, Addis Ababa Education Bureau
(AAEBJ is responsible to give directives and guidelines in the cases that whenever
shortcomings and gaps are observed and the schools should organized public
relations to create school-community links.
Leadership in Effectiveness of School Improvement Program