Practices And Challenges of Kaizen Implementation At Entoto Polytechnic Cluster College: The Case of Woreda Three Enterprises of Gulele Sub-City In Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababauniversity
The purpose of the study was to assess Practices and Challenges of Kaizen Implementation at Entoto
Polytechnic Cluster College in the case of Woreda three enterprises Gulele Sub-City in Addis Ababa
City Administration, and submitted. To address the objectives, case study research design was
employed, and a mixed research methods (i. e. an approach of both quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods) were used to collect data from 80 respondents through questionnaires and from
7 key informants using semi-structured interviews and cross-sectional data (i.e. data collected at one
point in time) collected from the primary sources, and secondary sources like review of assessment
documents ranging from 2011 to 2014. The primary data was collected using semi-structured
interviews, questionnaires, and observations. Secondary data were also obtained from available
documents at six SMEs and one TVET College in the study areas, and books, web-based internet
source, journals articles, pamphlets and other related materials. The quantitative data were analyzed
through descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS Version 20. The secondary data were
analysed using thematic and content analyses. The findings of the research showed that there was
moderately implemented kaizen strategy. The kaizen implementation indicated that there were
success stories, but there had been challenges which emanated from various sources, like gaps in
knowledge of executives, trainers and employees; their negative attitude towards the kaizen
implementation; their lack of knowledge and skills; gaps in available infrastructures and material
resources; and gaps in the capacity and capabilities of the management body. The majority of the
respondents elicited that they did not take any training regarding the use, and implementation of
kaizen, there were no adequate administrative supports, feedbacks and encouragement for smooth
operation of Kaizen. The strategies suggested should be implemented to address those challenges in
various socio-economic contexts at different levels. Therefore, the stakeholders should consider
those stories as good lessons and to effectively address the challenges identified. Thus, it is
recommended that in order to be successful government institutions and private enterprises should
implement kaizen/TQM as a strategy.
Key words: Challenges, Cluster, Kaizen, Stakeholders, Strategy
Challenges, Cluster, Kaizen, Stakeholders, Strategy