Learner Contributions in The EFL Classroom

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Addis Ababa University


Thi s study was intended as an exploration of a FL classroom concerning the contribution making behaviour of learners and their perceptions in relation to contribution. Based on video-taped data and learners self reports, the study revealed some apparent information on how students contri bute and perceive contribution making. An analysis of lesson transcript showed that the amount and types of contributions students made tended to be variable from one interaction pattern to another. A thirty-minute group interaction produced far greater contributions than a one-hour whole class interaction both in terms of quantity and quality. According to the transcript analysis three students in the group work who made considerable contributions fai led to make any in the teacher - fronted discussions. Moreover, a group participant who contributed the most during the group-work failed to maintain the lead during the lockstep interaction. A difference was also observed in the quali ty of contributions students made. In the group interaction, the students' contributions were characterized by a wide variety of functional moves whereas the contributions in the teacher - fronted interaction were responses to teacher questions and short utterances. Students ' responses to questiofUlaire and interview questions indicated that students preferred participating in a small group interaction to whole class interaction. The responses also showed that students' reasons for participating in the classroom is primarily to obtain good marks rather than practising target language. Furthermore, the results displayed students' positive perceptions of bidding and self-selection in mak ing contri butions. These last perceptions of students seemed to match with the students' contribution making behaviour observed in the classroom. Although these findings are limited to a freslunan classroom where the data were collected, the pedagogical implications are possibly applicable to similar classrooms since there were findings (e .g. Long, et al. 1976; Cathcart 1986; Allwright 1980) that corroborate the results of this exploration. But further studies need to be conducted to come up with more information especially on the relationship between contribution and perception.



Learner Contributions
