Child begging in Addis Ababa Determinats,Effects and Implication
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
The main. focus of this study has been to (uu:1 out and describe the determinants,
effects, and implications of child begging. In this regarct efforts have been. made
to assess the psychologicaL social and economic aspects of child begging as they
are observed in two sub-city administrative areas of Addis Ababa, namely -Arada
and Addis Ketema"'. The time frame (or this study is between Odo1?er 2006 and
June 2007. Fieldwork was carried out (rom December 1 to December 30, 2006..
The research has investigated the situations of those children engaged in begging,
, taking a sample of 60 individuals, out o(which 30 are (emales. and the remaining
30 being males. Both fema1e and mille child beggars considered in the survey are
under the age of 18.
Apart from survey, qualitative data have been gathereiL involving a number of
professionals and para-professionals Working for a law-enforcing agency of the
government like the police as well as those working in the areas closely related to
children.. Extensive qualitative data were obtained from 11 other individuals in
order to supplement the survey fim;lin{Js.
The findings from quantitative and quaIilative dala have revealed that. there are
many pushing and .pulling factors thilt promote the practice of child begging
among children under the age o( 1 B. who are supposed to be under the close
guidance and protection of their parents or guardians.. Although begging among
adults can be taken as a common practice in both developed and developing
societies, evidences have shown that the problem of child begging is closely
associ.aled with the socially as well as economically disorganized families and
communities in the developing world. Therefore. Bhiopia in general and Addis
Ababa in particular could not escape from the undesirable (acets of child begging.
Based on the findings of this study, the researcher hils (orwarded some
, .
recommendations as to the responses expected from parenl~ communities. NGOs,
and the govern.ment in order to tackle {he problem of child begging.