Mothers’ Satisfation Factorsat Health with Delivery Services Andassociated Institutions in West Arsi, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Maternal mortality and morbidity are attributed to poor maternity quality of care.
Globally, more than half a million women die annually as a result of complications of pregnancy
and childbirth.So, at a time when global efforts to reduce maternal mortality have been stepped
up, it is important to look at maternal satisfaction and factor affecting it.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the mothers’ satisfaction with delivery
services at health institutions and associated factors in West Arsi Zone, Oromia Region,
Ethiopia, 2016.
Methods: A facility based cross-sectional survey with exit interview was conducted in West
Arsi, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.Four hundred seventy seven (477) postpartum mothers
wereenrolled in the study. Data was checked, coded and entered to Epi-data and was exported to
SPSS version 21 for analysis. Multivariate and binary logistic regression was applied to identify
the relative effect of each explanatory variable on the outcome (satisfaction).
Results:This study finding showed that the overall satisfaction level of mothers with delivery
service was 74.6%. Women who had no formal education, primary education and secondary
education were less satisfied than women who had diploma and above (AOR= 0.851, 95%CI:
0.306, 0.863, AOR=0.399, 95%CI: 0.154, 0.730and AOR=0.569, 95%CI: 0.229, 0.412)
respectively. Women who had monthly income less than 650ETB were three times more
satisfied with delivery service than women who had monthly income more than 1900ETB
(AOR=3.294,95% CI:1.337,8.114).Mothers who had assisted vaginal delivery were less satisfied
than mothers who had caesarian section (AOR=0.31, 95%CI: 1.253, 4.115).Mothers those their
privacy measures was maintained were six times more satisfied with their delivery service at
health institution than those did not maintained(AOR=6.988, 95%CI:4.047,12.066).
Conclusion: Only 74.6% of the mothers were satisfied from the overall level of delivery service.
From this study, educational status, economical status, privacy of mothers, mode of delivery and
waiting time were important predictors of level of satisfaction.
Recommendation: Health institutions and health personnel should work on identified factors to
increase mother’s satisfaction with delivery service.Future studies should consider gathering
more data from a more diverse sample to address the generalizability issue.
Keywords: Mothers’ satisfaction; Delivery service; Health institution; West Arsi zone; Ethiopia
Mothers’ satisfaction, Delivery service, Health institution, West Arsi zone, Ethiopia