Balance between some Sets of Variables in the Second Cycle Primary School Curriculum of Amhara National Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the balance between the three domains of
objectives, breadth and depth of the curriculum, theoretical and practical exercises and the time
balance among the subjects in the second cycle primary schools curriculum of Amhara
Regional State.
For this purpose mainly a content analysis research method was used. In addition relevant
information was collected ji-om teachers. Data was collected ji-om the syllabuses of the various
subjects through coding sheets. Besides, a questionnaire was used to collect data ji-om teachers.
To this end, various statistical tools such as chi-square, percentage and correlation were used
to analyze the data
The findings of the study revealed that there is time inadequacy in the science and social
science subjects especially at the upper two grade levels vis-a-vis the amount of the content of
the subjects although actually higher periods have been given to these subjects. On other hand,
the time allocated for music and art tend to be more than adequate. The time allotted for the
other subjects seems stable. There was also a wider gap among the three domain of objectives
for the curriculum highly stresses on the cognitive domain and the extremely less emphasis
given to the affective domain. The higher weight given to the lower level of objectives especially
in the cognitive domain and to the expository type of teaching methods indicates that the
curriculum focuses on breadth than depth. Furthermore, the curriculum tends to emphasize on
theoretical than practical exercises. This is mainly observed in the science and social studies
subjects. Generally, except in the time allocation there is similarity between the grade levels on
the problems studied although some variation is seen within the subjects '.
At the end, based on the findings and conclusions drawn it is recommended to make some
adjustment on the period allotment, to take measures to enhance more effective use of the
existing school time, to restate the objectives stated in the syllabuses so as to accommodate the
three domain and the different levels of objectives adequately, to highlight teaching methods
that enable students to be engaged in an intelligent process of continual inquiry and discovery,
and to add more practical exercises especially in the science subjects.
Between Some Sets