The Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State Secondary School
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Addis Ababauniversity
The purpose of this study was to investigate both the extent of teachers’ awareness of
classroom management strategies, and their commitment towards using the strategies in the
six secondary schools of Metekel Zone and Pawe Special Woreda. To this effect, a descriptive
survey method was employed.
The information used in this study was obtained through questionnaire and classroom
observation checklist. The respondents were 51 teachers (50 male and 1 female), 273 students
(195 males and 78 females) and 36 classroom observations of the English, Mathematics and
Chemistry subjects of the six secondary schools.
The data obtained was analyzed using the statistical tools of chi-square, mean value
and average rank. Accordingly, as vividly manifested, majority of the teacher respondents
were; males, joined the teaching profession in their early ages and trained in teacher training
Moreover, the study has revealed that the teachers’ of grade nine were found having
the necessary awareness in almost all the content-focused classroom management strategies.
But their commitment towards deploying time management, instructional objectives, ground
rules and procedures and motivation as the strategy of classroom management was minimal.
Various reasons have in fact been suggested as causes for the teachers’ low commitment. Of
those many constraints, however, large class size, high teaching load, the students’
dysfunctional behavior and the irrelevance of the existing curriculum were noted as the most
In spite of the teachers’ high awareness of the strategies, however , their low
commitment in utilizing them during classroom teaching made the effort of securing effective
classroom instruction difficult. To maximize the teacher’s commitment in employing the
strategies giving the necessary attention during pre-service and in-service training has to be
the major concern of all teachers’ training institutes
National Regional State Secondary School