Measuring Students' Satisfaction (The Case of Post-Graduate Education Students At Addis Ababa University
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Addis Ababa University
This study applies service qllality and customer satisfaction th eOlY to the field of
education and particularly to postgraduate studies. The aim of the research presented
here is to measure students' sati sfaction at th e Addis Ababa University across wide
ranging educational experiences. A sample of 126 students was considered and an
approach adopted /i'om student sa tisfaction invenlOlY by Noel- Levitz and graduate
students satisfaction survey in European University was used in order ta reach this aim,
and as the main approach in this thesis. Th e necessmy data was gathered Fom selfadministered
questionnaire and interview made with the concerned party. Descriptive
method research was employed. The findings indicate that there is a high level of
dissatisfaction among students and they are particularly unappreciative of the
infrastructural requirements and helpfulness of staff in various sections of the university.
Areas of satisfaction are also highlighted. There is evidence to confirm that some issues
raised in the focus group discussion of the strategic planning committee are being
addressed. Various strength s and weaknesses are identified by students. Whilst the
comprehensive range of data produced is very informative stlldel1ls, indicute (hut (h"
study should be sharter canducted continu ously in ji/ture.