Morphological and Random Amplified Polymorphic Dna (Rapd) Marker Variation Analysis in Some Ethiopian Drought Tolerant and Susceptible Chickpea (Cicer Arientinum L.) Genotypes

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Addis Ababa University


Seventeen chickpea genotypes were planted in Randomized block design with four replications at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center during 2003/2004 cropping season. Ten plants were tagged for morphological data collection. Both fifteen quantitative and five qualitative traits were recorded. RAPD study was conducted at the Genetics Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Addis Ababa University. The study was conducted to assess the genetic diversity of chickpea using both morphological and RAPD data, heritability and correlation of quantitative trait Shannon diversity, analyses of variance, correlation coefficient, heritability and genetic advance, phenotypic and genotypic variance and principal component were computed from morphological traits using SPSS and SAS Software Programs. RAPD data generated from bands recorded was used for computing gene diversity, DNA polymorphism and Jaccard’s similarity via POPGENE software Shannon diversity index showed the availability of variations within chickpea populations. Similarly, high variation within and between chickpea genotypes was recorded for quantitative traits evaluated except for days to flowering and maturity, plant height, canopy width and leaflet/leaf. OPC-02 primer used for RAPD marker showed that RAPD can discriminate chickpea population in diversity analysis of chickpea population. High heritability and with genetic advance recorded for some traits such as hundred seed weight, biological yield/plant, grain yield/plant, days to maturity and flowering, number of primary and secondary branches/plant, number of seeds and pods/plant, harvest index and root biomass indicated that progress in selection could be high for such traits in chickpea improvement Strong and positive significant correlation observed between biological and grain yield, biological yield and number of seeds/plant, biological yield and number of pods, and grain yield with number seeds and pods/plant, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/plant showed that their improvement lead to yield improvement in chickpea. As confirmed by the principal component analysis, these quantitative traits had also high contribution for chickpea variability and hence, can be used as a source of chickpea improvement. Key words: Chickpea, diversity, RAPD



Chickpea, diversity, RAPD

