Study of Coexistence of the Spin-Density Wave and Su- Perconductivity in Ferropnictide(Ba1xKxFe2As2
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Addis Ababa University
In this paper we study the relation ship between spin density wave(SDW) and supercon-
ducting order parameters in ferropnictides , the superconducting transition temperature
and SDW transition temperatures.We use the Model Hamiltonian which is written in
quantized form using annihilation and creation operators.We also study the coexistence
of SDW and SC for (Ba;K)Fe2As2 system, the SDW-and superconductivity in an ex-
tended range of composition. The ternary iron arsenide BaFe2As2 becomes supercon-
ducting by hole doping which was achieved by partial substitution of the barrium site with
potassium.We also investigate the e ect of spin density wave on superconductivity, the
coexistence of SDW and superconductivity for (Ba1xKxFe2As2) using phase diagram
and the e ect of doping on the transition temperature
Wave and Superconductivity