Factors Affecting Sex-Role Orientation of Adolescents in Addis Ababa

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Addis ababa univeresty


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between adolescents' sex- role development and cognitive factors such as age, grade level and academic ability, and socialization factors such as TV viewing" traditionality of influential family member, teachers influence, socio economic status, mothers' education, maternal involvement in traditional masculine home chores, mothers' sex-role orientation, mothers' age, maternal employment status, traditionality of mothers' job, mothers' religious commitment, fathers' education, paternal involvement in traditional feminine home chores, and fathers' sex-role orientation. Besides, their combined effects and their independent power to predict the sex- role development of adolescents were assessed. To achieve these aims, 178 families (students and their fathers and mothers) participated. The required data were secured usink questionnaires. Additionally, focus group discussion was employed. Then, the data collected were analyzed using Pearson's r, series of multiple regression analyses and regression coefficients. The result obtained disclosed that academic ability, TV viewing, mothers' sex-role orientation, mothers' employment status, fathers' sex-role orientation, fathers education, andpaternal involvement in feminine household chores were significantly related to the sex-role development of adolescents. In addition, the combined effects of all independent variables were found to significantly predict the sex-role development of adolescents. However, the most powerfol predictors of adolescents' sex-role orientation were found to be TV viewing, followed by fathers' sex-role orientation and fathers' involvement. The separate assessments for boys and girls revealed similar but some what different result. They showed that the most influential predictors of boys' sex-role orientation were TV viewing, fathers' sex-role orientation, paternal involvement and fathers' education, whereas girls' sex-role orientation was highly influenced by TV viewing, fathers' sex-role orientation, and mothers' sex-role orientation. (Details are presented in the result and discussion sections.)



