Factors that affect Quality of Training In Assella College of teacher Education
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Addis Ababa Universty
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that affect the
quality trainees at ACTE .. Thus, attempt was made to look in to the internal
and external factors that affect quality trainees in the college. In
conducting this research descriptive survey research method was
employed. ACTE was selected for the study using purposive sampling
techniques. The subjects of the study were trainees at all levels (1 st, 2nd
and 3rd year), instructors, stream heads, dean, educationai office heads
and school directors. The sampling was carried out through randomly
purposive and availability sampling. Data were obtained through
questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis.
The study revealed that there were factors affect quality trainees in
connection with off campus residence, lack of guidance and counseling,
inadequacy of library, trainees weak academic background. Lack of
support from thp. management, poor interpersonal relationship in college
and weak implementation of practicum. It is thus, recommended that give
priority for improvement of campus resid.:'nce, guidance and counseling
service, library facilities and practicum implementation.