The Effectiveness of Farmer Training Centers In The Economic Life of Rural Adults: The Case of Oromia National Regional States of South West Shoa Zone Wonchi Woreda
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Addis Ababauniversity
The objective of this study to assess the effectiveness of FTCs training in the economic life of
rural adults in Wonchi Woreda in terms of the implementation of FTC training, how adult
learning principle and practice are considered, the contribution of FTC training to increase
the income level of trained farmers and necessary equipment and materials. For this research
the researcher used descriptive survey method. In this study quantitative research methods was
employed. In the study both primary and secondary data sources were used. The samples were
selected using systematic random sampling method. The techniques of data collection for the
study were group focus interview which was prepared for farmers found in four selected FTCs
in the Woreda. The questionnaires were distributed for Development agents, subject matter
specialists and extension experts were also consulted. The result of the study showed that the
training provided in FTC helped the farmers to progress the income level of trained farmers by
increasing productivity. The farmers training centers training participation of women is very
low. The training at FTC lacks materials used to learn best practices and experimental places.
From these major findings it can be concluded that the effectiveness of FTC training in the
Wored. Based on the above findings and conclusions the following recommendations are
forwarded. To achieve the FTC objective of increasing the income level of trained farmers the
training should be supported by practice, need to assign the training required number of DAs.
The FTC training access should consider gender equality. Awareness creation has to be made
to farmers about the relevance and effectiveness of farmers training at FTCs in different
aspects and to generate more information in order to enhance the knowledge, skill and
capability of farmers which help the farmers to use new technology and ultimately increase
Economic Life of Rural Adults