Nature and Methods of Conflict Resolution At Neighborhood Level: The Case of Gulele Sub- City in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
Conflict is a clash of opposing ideas, interests or activities. Although it is realistic
to expect some conflict, people generally want to avoid conflict or hope to resolve
it without harm to feelings or productivity. In this study, causes and methods of
conflict resolution at neighborhood level and the link between demographic
variables and conflict resolution techniques were investigated. For this
investigation,' 260 neighbors were randomly selected from Gulele sub- city in
Addis Ababa. A questionnaire was employed to collect data. Land borders
around the residence, children, and jealousy were the main causes of conflicts
among neighbors. Elders, friends, religious fathers, discuss,ing with themselves
{the two conflicting parties}, going to kebele were ' some of the main ways of
conflict resolution between neighbors. Results of the inferential analysis showed
that there is a significant difference between demographic variables and conflict
resolution techniques. Men were found to be higher in confrontation and conflict
avoidance than their female counterparts. Men were also found to be emotional
expressive than women. Women on the other hand were found to be higher in
private / public behavior and in self-disclosure. It was als.o found out that early
adulthood ' and old age have high and strong difference in the attitude, thought
and behavior they have when handing conflicts. Thus, government officials and
kebele leaders should collaboratively do as much as possible to alleviate the
problem of conflicts at grass root levels, and to make peace prevalent in the
community .
Conflict Resolution At Neighborhood Level