The Contributions of Watershed Management for Woody Plant Diversity and Other Ecosystem Services in Hidabu District North Shewa Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


Watershed management practice has been taken as a main strategy to rehabilitate the degraded land, for biodiversity conservation and improving agricultural productivity of land in Ethiopia. However, its contribution to woody plant Species diversity and other ecosystem services rarely evaluated. This study aimed at assessing to the contribution of WSM for woody plant species diversity and other ecosystem services and to assess factors that affect the adoption of SWCPs in Hidabu Abote District, North Shewa, Oromia. The study was conducted based on comparative analysis between Sire-Morose (treated) and Yaya-Dakabora (untreated) micro-watersheds which are assumed to be in similar agroecology. A total of 40 sample quadrats of each 20m x 20m (400 m2), size that were laid systematically along transects lines were used for vegetation data collection. In addition 1m x 1m (1m2) sub plots were laid within the main quadrates to sample herbaceous plants. To document perception of local communities, a semi structured questionnaire was developed and data were collected from 123 respondents. To analyze data both descriptive and inferential statics were used. The results indicated that due to watershed management practices the availability of water, income per household from crop production by 28.4%, livestock productivity enhanced and employment opportunities increased in the study area. It also reduced runoff, soil loss, land degradations and improved biodiversity conservation. Comparative assessment result of the vegetation revealed that the overall mean species diversity, evenness and richness were higher in Sire-Morese than in Yaya- dakabora indicating the positive impact of watershed intervention on local biodiversity. In general, watershed management practices had positive biophysical, socio-economical, environmental and ecological impacts. Therefore, strengthening watershed management practices for woody plant species diversity and enhancing ecosystem services was recommended as a result of this study.



Siremorese, Yaya-Dakabora, Diversity, Slope, Treated, Untreated, Woody Plants

