Cholinesterase Status of Some Ethiopian Pest Control Workers Exposed to Organophosphate Pesticides
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Addis Ababa University
A study was conducted in 430 pest control workers with that of
161 comparable controls. The health risks and associated
morbidity from occupational exposure to organophosphate (OP)
pesticides was determined and factors ttat may contribute to
a greater pesticide exposure were identified.
Plasma and RBC cholinesterase (GhE) activities were determined
using electrometric methods. Symptoms of OP poisoning and risk
factors for exposure associated with pesticide use were
assessed through a questionnaire, developed based on the WHO
(1982) and WHO-UNDP (Maroni et al 1986) recommendations. To
evaluate the possible liver dysfunction, plasma levels of
alkaline phosphatase (AP) and gl utamic pyruvic transaminase
(i;PT) ',.;ere determined using diagnostic ki~s number 6391 anrj
14442520 respectively.
Significantly lower plasma and RBC GhE activities were found
in the exposed workers compared to the controls (P<0.001); 58
(~3,5~\ and 47 (10.9%) of the exposed workers ~ad plasma and
Rae '::l:!; a,::::.~vities below the lowe!' ::"Lni: of t:-n? controls
respectively. Compared to the workers in the other job
categories, the "spray men" and those wi:h duratio~, of exposure
below 5 years were identified to be tta most affected groups.
Normal AP and GPT levels without significant differencee from
the co~trols were noted, suggesting the atsence of any marked
liver im~airemnet at this level of exposu~e. Symptoms of OP were frequent in the exposed workers than in the
controls. However, except for sweating and weakness (p<0.05),
other symptoms reported were not significantly associated with
low RBC and plasma ChE activities. Surveys of the risk factors
for possible pesticide poisoning revealed that lack of
knowledge and poor personal hygiene were prominent among the
exposed population _n general, the present study showed that :here are ap~~~e~~
health risks associated with OP exposure. Measures that s~oul~
be considered to minimize the health effects from the use of
OP pesticides are cecommended; such as pre-placenmer:t and
periodic medical examinations, the use of appropriate
protective jevices and creation of awareness among the w:rkers
of the risks of pesticide poisoning.