The Practices and Problems of Human Resource Training and Development in the Education Offices of Oromia
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Addis Ababa Universty
The main purpose of this study was to assess the practices and problems of training and
development programs in the education offices of Oromia. To achieve the purpose of the
study descriptive survey method was employed. The study was conducted on Oromia
Education Bureau that was purposively selected and on four zone education departments
and twelve woreda education offices that were selected using simple random sampling
technique. Moreover, while purposive sampling technique was employed to select office
heads and process owners, simple random sampling technique was used to select
pelformers. Hence, 17 office heads, 71 process owners and 88 pelf or mel's were involved
in the study.
Questionnaire, interview and document analysis were the instruments used to collect
data. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using tables, percentages,
ji-equency counts, mean scores, independent t-test and chi-square. The findings of the
study indicate that training and development plan was prepared but it was not specific. It
was also found that needs assessment and evaluation were not practiced. Moreover,
trainees were not involved in training plan preparation, objectives determination and
contents and techniques selection. Off-the-job training was the only method used. There
were no clear and transparent selection criteria of trainees. Adequate resources and
facilities were not allocated for the program. Shortage of budget, management's lack of
support, allocation of insufficient time for the program and absence of training and
development policy were the major training and development constraints identified.
Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that the education offices should
carl'yout needs assessment comprehensively by considering organization level, task level
and individual level needs. Training and development program should be practiced based
on participatory approach. Clear trainees' selection criteria and evaluation criteria
should be established. Training department and/or training designers should sell the
program to managements. The offices should undertake program evaluation. Oromia
Education Bureau by eliciting ideas from zone and woreda education offices should
formulate training and development policy. In general, the offices should carryout
training and development systematically to get fruitfitl results.
Development in the Education