The Effect of Employee Empowerment on Service Quality: In the Case of Hibret Bank SC Company
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Addis Ababa University
Employee empowerment is believed to improve organizational performance, among organizational performance measures service quality is an important performance measurement in financial sector like banks. The major objective of this study is to determine the effect of employee empowerment with employee participation in decision making, training information sharing, and team work on service quality in Hibret bank SC. The study used quantitative approach with explanatory research design and data were collected from clerical staffs of Hibret bank and from the total population of 7107 the sample size were and sample respondents were selected in probability multi stage sampling by first drawing sample districts and then selecting 8 branches from four districts and finally 4 employees from randomly selected branches and questionnaires distributed for344 employees and 208 respondents response were used for data analysis. Participants’ response were collected via email and analyzed using SPSS 24 version and presented using frequency, percentage, mean standard deviation, correlation, multiple regression and ANOVA.this study founds positive relationship service quality with training, teamwork and information sharing while employee participation in decision making with service quality shows negative relationship. Based on this finding researcher recommends promoting the practice of teamwork for quality service delivery, and training in relation to quality service delivery and information shall be shared to create common understanding on vision, goal of the company having in mind a vision and goal helps to work attain those goals and this in turn can possibly help to improve service quality.
Keywords: Employee empowerment, service quality, SERVQUAL model