The Practices That Generate Conflict between Teachers and Principals in Some Secondary Schools of Horo Guduru Wollega Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the practices that generate conflict between
teachers and principals in some secondary schools of Horo Guduru Wollega Zone. It attempts to
identifY: teachers and principals' views on conflict, the effects of conflict on school pelformance
and the strategies used 10 manage conflict. In order to attain the objective of the study,
descriptive survey method was employed. The study was carried out on five secondwy schools
that were selected using random sampling technique. The study also involved 95 teachers that
were selected using random sample method and 18 school principals and 15 educational officers
(manager5) purposively selected fi'om the sample school and Woreda under study for interview
purpose. Questionnaires, interviews and document analysis were the instruments used for data
collection. The data gathered were analyzed using various statistical tools such as fi'equency
distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square and one way ANOVA. Based on
the results of the analysis, majority of the teachers have traditional view of cOIif/ict while
principals were found to have the constructionist or balanced view of conflict. The result of the
study also revealed that conflict has both positive and negative outcomes on the organization. It
was also found that pelformance evaluation system, inappropriate and biased reward system,
communication problems, lack of professional commitment, lack of solving problems through the
practice of table discussion, lack of clearly stated tasks, lack of participative decision making,
bad warking conditions, unfair distribution of tasks and unclear polices and guidelines were
among the major causes of conflict between teachers and principals in the sample secondary
school of the zone. The findings of the study jilf'ther shows that avoiding, forcing :compromising,
accommodating and problems solving were management strategies adopted by school
principals for resolving cOlif/ict .• Aforementioned strategies for managing cOlif/ict were employed
without the analysis of the situation and parties participated. Based on the finding it is possible
to conclude that principals were not managing conflict in their schools properly. This is because
they lack training, skills and competence in conflict management and this might affect
peljiJrmance in the process and creates loll' morale. Therefore, for the effectiveness of managing
conflict processes and for the purpose of getting balanced view of conflicts, special training in
conflict management knowledge and skills for both educational managers and teachers is
study, descriptive survey method was employed