An assessment of result oriented performance appraisal of teachers in Tigrai Regional state
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Addis Ababa Universty
The main purpose of this study was to undertake a systematic assessment of the current performance
appraisal system of teachers, ROPA, in Tigrai Regional State thereby to single out strengths and
weaknesses of the ROPA system and eventually to provide altemative recommendations against the
identified problems. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive survey.
Accordingly, a questionnaire for teachers and principals was prepared, pilot-tested, translated to
Tigrigna language and administered to a sample size of 322 teachers and 62 principals. An aggregate
of 87. 67% of the questionnaires were properly filled and returned. Structured and unstructured
interview were conducted to 8 WEO heads. In addition to this, relevant documents from RCBB, TREB
and MCB were reviewed to get sufficient information leading to analysis.
Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. The findings of the study showed
strengths in preparing annual school plans, decreasing rate of drop-outs and repeaters, frequency of
continuous assessment of students and emphasis given to co-curricular activities. However, ROPA
was characterized by multiple problems. The major weaknesses were: lack of clearly stated school
goals and annual work flow charts, lack of discussions conducted with ratees in setting performance
measures, standards, objectives, critical elements, performance criteria and post-appraisal meetings;
limited knowledge on ROPA and rater biases. Performance standards were subject to irrelevancy,
poor reliability, little practicality, and could not discriminate performances. The final results of ROPA
do not really describe appraisees; low frequency of performance monitoring, no re-appraisal and
appeal mechanisms, there was no accountability in ROPA, less contribution to educational goals such
as low results of National Examinations, low students' and teachers ' motivation, and lack of sufficient
trainings on ROPA. Promotion and salary increment of teachers according to career structure of
teachers was banned for the last three years due to the introduction of ROPA which led to grievances
of teachers.
Based on the research findings and conclusions, recommendations were also forwarded in the
interest of addressing these issues of ROPA. Included were: appraiser and appraisee should
participate in discussions on setting objectives, standards, critical elements, and performance criteria;
performance measures should be output-related, job-related and person-related and they should be
relevant, reliable, and practical and should discriminate performances; to minimize rating errors
standard score method should be introduced, department heads should rate teachers, and effective
and timely feedback should be given to appraisees; appeal mechanisms for re-appraisal should be
conducted according to civil service regulations endorsed by the Regional Government Council;
continuous training programs and researches should be conducted, motivational and hygiene factors
should be addressed timely, and ROPA should give an opportunity to score very high grades by being
finalized only at school level.