Adolescents' Interpersonal Conficts and Resolution Strategies: the Case of Soddo High School
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Addis Ababa University
This research was conducted to investigate causes of conflicts, types of cOI1}lict
manifestations, cOl1}lict resolution strategies, and gender difference in cOl1}lict resolution
techniques employed by adolescents. The study was conducted on 350 adolescents (173
females and 177 males) selected jiom Soddo High School using simple random sampling
technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire, interview and focus group
discussion. To analyse the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistics were
employed (such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and t - test). Moreover, the data
obtained through interview and FGD were qualitatively analysed so as to triangulate the
findings. The findings indicate that the main sources of conflicts in order of magnitude
were misbehaviour, relational issues and competition. Regarding the types of conflict
manifestations, the results show that verbal aggression is the most common type of
cOl1}lict followed by minor physical aggression. With respect to cOl1}lict resolution
strategies, the finding shows that most of the participants resolve cOl1}lict through
positive problem solving strategy. On the other hand, FGD showed that the participants
resolved cOl1}lict through conflict engagement strategy. In respect to gender difference in
resolving cOl1}licts, the findings showed no statistically significant difference in all types
of cOl1}lict resolution strategies. However, the data obtained through FGD revealed that
there is some difference. Females, more than males were observed to employ conflict
engagement strategy in resolving disagreements. Based on these findings it is concluded
that the main sources of conflicts among adolescents are misbehaviour. Regarding the
types of cOl1}lict, adolescents use mostly verbal aggression. From the finding it is also
concluded that most adolescents resolve conflicts by using positive problem solving
strategy. The recolllmendations which are forwarded include introducing peer -
mediation programs to schools, incorporating into curriculum lessons on cOI1}lict and on
its constructive strategies, designing group activities for students to work cooperatively
for mutual success.
Resolution Strategies