Statistical Studies of Dm Dominated Subhalos
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Addis Ababa University
The content of the universe is highly dominated by dark matter (DM). We can
identify it using gravitational lensing and it may be detected using direct method,
after scattered with the nuclie of germanium which is held underground and indirect
method, after annihilation into electron or positron, which shows a scientilation
effect. The viable candidates of DMs are weakly interacting particles (WIMPS),
Axions, MACHOS, Sterile Neutrinos, superWIMPS and gravitinos. All these candidates
are studied under super symmetric model, which is the extension of standard
model. In these thesis we are focusing on statistical studies of DM dominated
subhalos. We will describe the statistical distribution of DM using ROCKSTAR
halo finders. Using marenostrum-multidark simulation of galaxy Clusters, we
analyse mass to light ratio of the clusters in r
. So the mass to light ratio is
high at _ r200. These show that the concentration of DM halos is high at radius of
r200. From the statistical studies of all the subhalos we have found that the radial
distribution of the mass to light DM subhalos is more strongly peaked at r200. These
may suggest that the search for content of DM from subhalos in clusters is most
promising at r200. We also determine the DM fraction for five different clusters
with in 30 kpc and the minimum number of particle is 100. We also compare its
value with in 15 kpc and the minimum number of particle is 50. We found that
the statistical distribution of sub halo is high in 15 kpc than in 30 kpc. But in
both cases the concetration of DM is high with in a mass of 1 10 _ 1010M0. In our
simulation we are focusing on ROCKSTAR halo finder, but still there are different
types of halo finders such as Amiga halo finder, body density maximum algorithm,
surv finder, SUBFIND algorithm and FOF based algorithm. In all condition the
density distribution of DM is gaussian distribution. We also analyse the existence
of DM by using generalized viral theorm in f(R) gravity. It helps to show that the
mass of DM is dominant in the cluster. Non interacting mathematical model of DM
Statistical Studies, Dm Dominated, Subhalos, Dark Matter Particles, WIMPS and MACHO