Skills Training and Micro Financing for Empowerment and Improvement of Living Conditions .of Small-Scaly Women Entrepreneurs in Bahir Dar Town

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Addis Ababa University


Poverty alleviation is top on agenda of most d eve loping countries to dignify their citizens with decent living conditions. Therefore, this study assessed the contribution of skills training and micro-financing services provided b y Bahir Dar town Administration Micro a nd Small Scale Enterprises and Industry promotion office and other Micro Finance Institut ions (MFIs) in empowering and improving the living conditions of s mall-scale women entre pren e urs in B a hir Dar town using both quantitative a nd qualitative research designs and methods to generate pertinent data from primary and secondary sources. It also used multistage random sampling techniques that involve systematic sampling with random start to s elect sample size of 100 small-scale women entrepre n eurs from 890-target popula tion. The study findings indicate that group based MSEs in the study area have go t various types support \ from Ba hir Da r town Administration Micro and Sma ll Scale Enterprises a nd Industry promotion office (BDAMSEIO) and Mi cro finance Institutions (MFI s ). However , som e group-based MSEs are c onfronted with m a rKet premises and lack of materials. When it comes to the influence of skills training and micro financing, even if it has a little positive- effect o n empowering and improving t h e living condition of sm a ll , scale women e n tr epr eneurs, t h e contribution is not significant. But, relatively micro financing h as b etter contribution on empowering a nd improving li ving condition of women entrepreneurs. The s tudy underscores the need to alleviate pove r ty at household level; skills training which integrat e s lite racy program in to Income Generating activities (I GAs) packaged with reproductive hea lth (RH) progra m taking in to account the socio-demographic and economic characte ristics of the house holds in which potential women reside a nd t h eir compositions that can be implemented in integrated, co-coordinated a nd in a n etworked manner with micro financing b y creating favorable environment through a dvocacy.



Living Conditions .of Small-Scaly Women Entrepreneurs
