A Study of Design and Implementation of Grammar Tasks/Activities: the Case of English Grammar in Use i at Hossana College of Teacher Education
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Lolamo, Abebe
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to examine the design and implementation of grammar
tasks and activities in Ethiopian context, specifically at Hossana College of Teacher
Education with regard to communicative grammar teaching. It was attempted to analyze
the activities for various purposes; such as (a) whether they are designed and practiced
at discourse level, (b) if they are form focused or communicative, (c)whether they are
suitable for pair and group work, and (d) to identify them whether they are appealing to
learners’ interest and needs. The subjects of the study were one hundred trainees selected
by using stratified sampling technique. Two trainers who were offering English Grammar
in use I course at HCTE were also taken as participants of the study. The data was collec
ted through content analysis, observation, and trainees’ questionnaire. Ninety eight quest
ionnaires were returned and analyzed. The finding from each tool indicated that tasks
and activities were designed and implemented at isolated sentence level rather than at
discourse. The result also revealed that instruction of grammar lesson has a few
transactions (recognizable start and finish, but there was no recycling of the exchanges.
Furthermore, it depicted that the tasks and activities are not related to trainees’ personal
information, experience and do not provide occasions for them to interact with
each other, and lessons were not supported by visual aids. Therefore, they are not
appealing to trainees’ interest and desires. Moreover, activities are not suitable for
either pair or group works. Consequently, teachers should make implementing grammar
tasks or activities more communicative, discourse based and more contextualized.
The course teaching material should be modified based on Communicative Language
English grammar in use