Empirical Dielectric Constant from Optical Measurements
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Addis Ababa University
Solvent effects on the vibrational and electronic absorption band of different compounds
were determined. In increasing the polarity of the solvent a shift of the absorption
maxima to lower energy was observed in all compounds. The solvation dielectric
constant of dioxane was empirically determined from correlation plot of Lippert-Mataga
polarity function versus vibrational absorption maxima of picolinamide and other amides
(Acrylamide, propylamide etc.). From linear fit the value of solvation dielectric constant
of dioxane was goes to infinite (r,solv= ), which is unrealistic and unphysical. In
addition, from correlation plot of Lippert-Mataga polarity function versus electronic
absorption maxima of DMABA, BBA and NBA the value of solvation dielectric constant
of dioxane was found to be 3.4, 3.8 and 7.7, respectively. These values were inconsistent
and there is no universal solvation dielectric constant from electronic spectroscopy
Lippert-Mataga, Polarity Function, Solvation Dielectric Constant, Picoline Amide, 1, 4-Dioxane