An Assessment of Credit Risk Management Practice: The Case of Abay Bank S.C

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Credit risk is an essential factor that needs to be managed. Credit risk is the possibility that a borrower or counter party will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. Credit risk is one of the most vital risks for any commercial bank. Credit risk arises from nonperformance by a borrower. Among the risks that face bank’s credit risk is one of great concerns to bank authorities and banking regulators. This is because credit risk is that can easily and most likely prompts bank failure. Managing credit risk is not a simple task comprehensive consideration and practices are needed for identifying, granting, controlling and evaluating and monitoring credit risk. This research asses the practice of credit risk management in Abay Bank S.C. Therefore, the main objective of undertaking this study is to assess the credit risk management practice of Abay Bank S.C. For the study primary data is used. Primary data is collected using questionnaire and interviews. Regarding to the nature of the study, the research design is descriptive and quantitative study approach is adopted to assess credit risk management practice of bank. The research found that, credit risk monitoring procedure is not reviewed and updated regularly, the bank’s credit professionals do not conduct a formal meeting to discuss the customer’s history and future plans and there is lack of adequate training to credit management staffs and there is lack of adequate staff in credit management department of the bank. Finally based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are given. Credit monitoring procedure should be reviewed and updated on regular basis; the bank should be adequately staffed the credit management department and the bank should arrange short term and long-term training to update and enhance the employees understanding about credit risk management.


