Personality Characteristics and Risky Driving Behavior as Predictors of Persistent Traffic Accident (The Case of Addis Ababa Drivers)
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Addis Ababa University
The pllly;ose of this study was to examine the relationship among personality characteristics,
risky driving behavior. frequency of traffic accident and demographic characteristics. The
sample consists of 262 drivers who committed traffic accidents and came for invest(gation at
four traffic police administration and investigation offices in Addis Ababa. The researcher
employed availability-sampling technique to select 262 participants for the study. To
canyout, the studv descriptive survey method was used. To collect the necessw)' data one
questionnaire and tlVO scales were the main instruments employed. The data collected
rhrough the questiollnaires were analyzed USing percentage, Pearson 's r and regression
The results showed that some personality characteristics (extroversion, cOllscientiousness
and neuroticism) have weak relationship with the dependent variable (i.e. for extroversion
O. J 4, conscientiousness O. J 68, and Neuroticism o. J 57) and thus have weak power in
predicting frequency of traffic accident. They however, predict frequency of risky driving
behavior moderatelv The other important thing is that age has moderate relation ship with
frequency of traffic accident, Finally, based on the findings and conclusions
recommendations were made to help design early interventions and alleviate problems
related with traffic accident.
Personality Characteristics