The Effect of Occupational Stress on Workers’ Performance: Case of MOHA Soft Drinks Industry S.C. T/Haimanot Plant
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Addis Ababa University
Workers physiological and psychological needs are very important and these increase the workers’
health, motivation and productivity. Failure to understand the causes of occupational stress on
employees’ performance can lead the organization poor quality and quantity of products and service. The
purpose of this study was to research the effect of occupational stress on workers’ performance of MOHA
Soft Drinks Industry S.C. T/Haimanot Plant. The main objective was to identify the causes of
occupational stress and their effect on workers’ performance at MOHA Soft Drinks Industry S.C.
T/Haimanot Plant and to establish the effects of role overload, role ambiguity, conflict at work and
physical work condition on workers’ performance. The research design was an explanatory design and
the target population was 593 employees of T/Haimanot Plant of Pepsi and out of target population 239
sample size were drawn and used stratified sampling technique. The study used both primary and
secondary source of data. The correlation result implied that role overload has negative relationship (r=-
0.273, n=200, p<0.05) with workers’ performance, negative relationship obtained with role ambiguity
(r=-0.135, n=200, p<0.05), similarly, negative relationship obtained with conflict at work (r=-0.185,
n=200, p<0.01), negative relationship obtained with physical work condition (r=-0.106, n=200, p<0.01).
The result that obtained from regression analysis implied, the beta value for Role overload is (beta= -
.174, p>0.05), role ambiguity (beta= -.190, p>0.05), conflict at work (beta= -.276, p<0.05), physical work
condition (beta= -.123, p>0.05). Among the independent variables, conflict at work is more significant
and statistically meaningful. This can be interpreted as a certain development on the conflict at work will
increase employees’ performance by 27.6%. Thus, conflict at work has a greater rate of change than
other predictors. Concerning the level of perception of causes of occupational stress, the findings
indicated that there is below average level of workers’ performance recorded in the industry. In order to
increase the level of workers’ performance, the researcher recommended that the industry has to
understand and properly manage the existing causes of occupational stress.
occupational stress, workers performance, stress