Evaluation of Kindergarten Curriculum Implementation In East Shoa Zone
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Addis Ababauniversity
%e main purpose of tliis stwfy was to evaCuate tlie impfementation of I?jndergarten
curricu[um witli specific reference to r.East S lioa Zone. 7'0 tliis end, descriptive survey
17letfioa was empCoyed in order to acfiieve tfie purpose of tlie stUdy. Sampfe I?jndergartens
were sefectea on tfie Gasis of stratified sampfing metfioa. J{ence, fifteen I?jnaergartens were
usea as source of aata sefected using simpfe random sampCing from eacfi stratum. :Moreove"
63 teacfzers ana 15 fiead teacliers, 143 parents, 4 Woreaas, 1 Zona[ an d 11?,§giona[ experts
worl?jng as experts of I?jndergarten ana specia[ need eaucation and 10 stwfents were
sefectea and used as a source of data for tliis stuay. lnatfcfition to consu[tation of various
aocuments from ret:evant sources, data were gatlierea from teacliers, liead teacliers, parents,
stwfents ana f£aucation officiaC workjng as "I?jndergarten ana speciaC neea r.Education JJ at
a[C feveCs using aata coCfecting instruments: Questionnaires, structured ana un-structured
interviews ana o Gservation. %e aata o Gtained were anafyzed tlirougli percentage and oneway}
1JVOo/}l version 13 in taGfe foWl. tf'indings made cfear tliat tfie curricuCum was not
effectivefy impCementea. %e trend of practicing teacfier centered ness during dassroom
activities ana eaucating cliiUfren tlirougfi tlie fanguage tliey are not fCuent resuCt to tlie fess
effectiveness of tfie impfenzentation of curricuCum. I naaequate size of tfie cfassroom ana
outtfoor pfay grouna, materiaCs ana equipments, poor training Gacfi,grouna of teacfiers,
aGsence of assistant teacfiers, Cimitetf parentaC invoCvement in cliiUfren Citeracy aeveCopment
ana insignificant supportive service from tlie government Godies were identifiea as factors
tliat liinaer tlie impfementation of curricuCum. J{ence, it is suagestea tliat a joint effort of
tlie r.Eaucation OfficiaC at a[[ CeveCs; tlie parents ana tlie sponsors liave Geen invaCuaGCe in
order to improve tlie impfenzentation of tfie curricuCum. In aadition, experts at a[[ [eveC
must support witli tlie teclinicaC ftnow liow tliey liave, and create coCfaGoratt'ons witli
factories ana service renaering institutions, so as oGtain eXira or saCvagea materiaCs wliicfi
are necessary for tlie impCementation of curricu[um in I?jnaergarten
Implementation In East Shoa Zone