Teachers' Awareness, Attitude and Practices towards Multiple Intelligences in Education The case of Dembi Primary School in I1lubabor Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of the study was to explore teachers' awareness, attitude and their practices
towards multiple intelligences (MI) in education. The data were collected from Dembi
government primary school from the principal, teachers and students via semi-structured
interviews, and observation and analyzed using qualitative method of analysis. Relevant
recordings about school setting were also analyzed The participants for interview were
selected purposely based on their willingness, professional competence and
responsibilities. Thirteen participants i.e. the school principal, eight teachers and four
students from grades 5-8 each from specified grades were interviewed The result
revealed that teachers' awareness towards MI in education was varied but confined to
limited markers of Ml The study confirmed that teachers have good understanding of
children's diverse strengths/aptitudes in relation to education mainly in terms of analytic
(linguistic and logical/mathematical), interpersonal, kinesthetic, and visual/spatial but
showed reservation about their awareness of, Musical and Naturalist intelligences.
Moreover, teachers have desirable attitude towards and implementing MI in education.
On other hand, teachers' practices to approach a subject matter from MI perspectives
were very low and efforts to provide opportunities where learners participate according
to their aptitudes/ strengths were ignored The findings indicate that students usually
confined in classrooms to acquire information or facts of subject mailer verbally and the
learning experiences did not accommodate the diverse students. Consequently, for
instance students who were not attentive to the verbal transmission of subject mailer and
found practicing other things were discouraged both by teachers and students. Possible
allempts have been made to identifY those factors for teachers' failure in practicing MI in
education. These were absence of training, giving due attention to coverage of the course
and lack of understanding on MI in education. Finally, possible solutions were proposed
to improve the observed problems and to enhance the awareness of teachers