The Impact of English Language Improvement Programme (Elip) on Teachers' Bera Viors and Classroom Performance: the Case of Kidusgebriel and Abune Phetiros Primary Schools in Mettu Town
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Addis Ababa University
The I//(/il/ pl/rpose "f the study was to investigGle the impact of ELiP training Oil t('(lche rs'
hehavi"r.,. alld classroom peljormance. To do this, a qualitative case study lII ethod was
employed. Si.r Ellglish language teachers of second cycle primary schools, tll 'O primary
schoo/s'/Jrill cipa/s. IlVa ELIP trainers and fl-VO supervisors at Woreda level were il1l !ol ved in.
Ih is sludv. The sllldy employed in-depth interview, focus group discussion alld ciossmol/1.
o"servotioll os lIIeans of data collection instruments. The data secured through these
illstnll llems Ive re categorized and thematically analyzed. The findings of the stlldy rel'('(t1ed
that ELiP lrailling had improved teachers' English language proficiencv. Tlw ol1olvsis
illdicated that teachers confidence in using English while teaching was improved Ivhere as
teachers' cOlltidellce in using English in th eir spare time was not observed. It lI 'OS/iJIIlld that
teachers' call1/n ll/lication skill was not increased. The study also revealed Ihat
C(} IIII1HIIl.icalive language teaching was nOI implemented in m,Osl obse rved classrooms.
Fillal lv, th e/illdings indicated that the support and follow up provided to teachers Ivere not
salisf.i,il/g. Conseqllently, it can be said that the ELiP training which was apprecia ted and
ullderstood I,,ยท respondents could not be implemented in the actual classrool/I situ at ion.
l-f ellce. il lI 'as recommended that providing continuous sllpport alld jill/ow III' j ;wII the
collcemed hodies to help teachers to apply what they have acquired ill the traillillg is