Child C8Ioe and Sodalization in DoraDa Culture (Dirth to Three Years.

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of thi s s tudy was lO describe the infa n t care practices and soc ializa tion in 80rana c ulture. The in strumen ts used to collec t the data we re q u estionn a ire, Focus Group Di sc u ssion (Fe} !)) and natura l observation. The s ludy popula tion inc luded 1 10 re s pondents and consisted of 80 mothers and 30 fat he rs , 15 infants a nd 10 Focu s Group Discu ssion persons were involved in the study . The qua li ta tive techniques a nd describing beh av ior through s imple statistics were employed to analyze the collected data. In the findings of the study, the parental investment strategy, feeding prac tices, co-sleeping a nd s leeping management, caretake rs response LO infan ls cry in g, phys ical a nd ve rba l ca re, birth and initiation ceremonies, tra dilional and medical infant care prac tices were d esc ri bed. The outcome of the data analysis revealed th a t th e re are useful ca re pra clices like prolonged duralion or breas t feeding, co-s leeping, pa renta l d isci pline and others. However, lherc arc ha rmful tradi tional practices s u ch as fema le genital mUli la tion and the a bsence of thc usc or modern medical institutions during delivery. Polygamous marriage, lhc abse nce of the use of family pla nning methods a nd the belief that they bear a c hild whenever God wills contribute a lot to the high rate of fertility . Fin a lly, recommendations were given on infant and c hild care prac tices In area of feed ing, female gen ita l mut il a tion , gender inequalities, fa the rs ' ro le in c hild care prac tices and pare ntal di sc ipline.



describe the infa n t care practices, and soc ializa tion in 80rana c ulture
