Morphological and Biochemical Diversity in Recent Collections of Barley (Hordell111 Vulgare L.) From Various Regions of Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


klorphological and isozyme diversity study of 47 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) populations that were collected fi'om 11 regions in Ethiopia was undertaken for this study. The populations with number of individuals ranging fi'om 43 to 45 per population, which make up a total of 2057 individual plants were evaluated for 16 quantitative and 14 qualitative IIIO/phological characters. Isozyme analysis was conducted using three enzyme systems: esterase (ES1), asparatase aminotramjerase (AA1) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) for seven barley populations selected after clustering them on mOlphological characters. Protein analysis was determinedjar 47 barley populations based on the Kjeldahl standard procedure. Several statistical methods' such as mean, coefficient of variations, estimates of heritability, genetic advance, correlation coefficients, cluster analysis, chi-square test, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis, correspondence analysis and Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) were lIsed to estimate the mOlphological variatiol1. Analysis of variance showed that there were highly significant differences between populations. In principal component analysis the first five principal components were contributed 85.5% of the total variation. Discriminant analysis revealed that 45 populations out of 47 (95.7%) were correctly c1assjfied to their respective cluster. Correspondence analysis result indicated that the first five components or variables accounted for 89.15% of the total inertia while the first two axes retained 67.79% of the total inertia. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') for individual characters, populations, altitudinal classes and regions were estimated. Based 011 this, the H' value ranged ji'Oln 0 (monomOlphic) for awn colour and kernel cover to 1.0 (highly polymOlphic) for flag leaf area. Region wise comparison displayed higher magnitude of differences. The variation rangedji'Oln H'=0.56 for Hararge to fJ'=O. 71 for ShelVa, Arsi and Gojam. Among 11 regions, Shewa, Arsi and Gojam showed highest diversity index. On altitudinal base the highest diversity index (H'=0.74) was observed in altitudinal class of 2501-3000 m asl. The overall mean diversity index for ilie present Ethiopian barley was estimated to be (H'=0.75). Phenotwic polymOlphism was observed for the esterase (EST) enzyme and there was no variatiol1 observed for Aspartate aminotlYlnsferase (AAT) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP). Correlation between Sliannol1- Weaver diversity index of qualitative IJlOl]J/lO/ogical c/wracfers (flld isozYlIlcs' vui·hilro/ls ,,,,,llOwed sign(flc(lnl positive and negative association. When l' < 0.05 is used, the following character combinations showed significance. EST-l and Kernel colo III'; EST-3 and gillme hairiness; EST-4 and kernel colo III'; EST-2 and lodging; awn colo III' and glume hairiness; and flag leaf area and lodging. Est-3 and gil/me hairiness, and flag leaf (//:ea and lodging are the character combinations that showed a negative significant correlation. Protein analysis of 47 barley populations was undertaken and the result showed highly significal1t differences between populations, altitudinal classes and regions. The present study indicated that regions with high diversity index (H') are more important for germplasm collection amlfor identification of suitable sites for in-situ conservation. Key words: Hordeum vulgare; Barley genetic diversity; MOIphological character; Isozyme; Protein



Hordeum vulgare, Barley genetic diversity, MOIphological character, Isozyme;Protein

